Common Pigeon
Common Pigeon Columba livia
Etymology :
- Columba : Latin word for Pigeon, dove
- Livia : Latin word for rock dove
Vernacular Names: Pushtu: Kentisiam, Baluchistan: Kapoth, Chahi, Persian: Kaftar, Hindi: Kabutar, Kash: Wan kotur, Pun: Golakabutar, Bi: Katretar, Parawa, Ben: Golapayra, Ass: Paarsorei, Cachar: Noni daotu, Guj: Paravun, Kabuthar, Pareva, Mar: Parva, Ori: Deuliapara, Ta: Madapura, Malaipura, Te: Gudipavrai, pavuram or pavuramu, Mal: Kuttapravu, Kan: Neelipaarivaala, Sinh: Gal pareyiya
Distribution in India: Widespread Resident in India.
Description: Size of 29-33 cm. It is overall bluish grey, darkest on head and rump, palest on wing-coverts; two black bars conspicuous on folded wing; black terminal band on tail; outer edge of two outermost rectrices white on basal halves; underwing and lower back white, latter sharply separated from dark grey rump; neck and upper breast suffused with purple and green iridescence, with each feather bifurcated; iris varies from golden orange to orange to red-orange; orbital skin blue-grey; bill black, cere white; legs red or purplish red. The female is slightly duller grey with less neck iridescence.
Habitat: It is found widespread in Forests as well as the human settlements (esp. the feral variety).
Food Habits : It is granivorous, feeding on seeds of weeds; also takes grain, green shoots of crops, leaves and sometimes snails, moth larvae and pupae and slugs
Breeding Habits: They breed all around the year. The nest consists of a cup loosely fashioned from stems, leaves, roots, driftwood, seaweed and feathers; no true lining found in nests. They lay a clutch of two eggs. They can lay up to 5 broods per year. The incubation period is 16–19 days by both sexes, beginning with first egg. The hatching is asynchronous. The fledging period is 35–37 days. For the first few days, the baby squabs are tended and fed (through regurgitation) exclusively on “crop milk” also called “pigeon’s milk”. The pigeon’s milk is produced in the crops of both parents in all species of pigeons and doves