Himalayan Buzzard Buteo (buteo) burmanicus
Etymology :
- Buteo : Latin word for Buzzard
- Buteo : Latin word for Buzzard
- Burmanicus : From Burma
Distribution in India: Resident of Himalayas
Description: Size of 45–53 cm; Wing length of 383·7mm for males, 404mm for females. It appears in two morphs. The dark morph birds dark brown to rufous-brown above, mostly solid rufous-brown below. The pale morph birds are brownish above, variably whitish below with rufous-brown blotches and streaks, sometimes with belly band and sometimes with pale ‘U’ separating dark breast from dark belly. In flight, it shows black carpal patches, dark belly band, dark trailing edge to wings and mostly unbarred tail. The Irides are dark brown; cere, legs and feet are yellow. The juvenile has paler irides, buffy wash on underparts, heavily streaked breast, and heavy belly band.
Habitat: It is found in fields, wetlands, semi-forested montane areas and cultivated slopes. It is found up to 4300 m.
Food Habits: It eats rodents, small birds, reptiles and invertebrates.It hunts from a perch and by hovering.
Breeding habits: They breed in Apr–Jun. They construct a bulky stick nest on a cliff ledge