Indian Jungle Crow

Indian Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhynchos culminates
- Corvus : Latin Word for Raven
- Macrorhynchos : Greek word Macro – Large, Rhynchos – Billed {Large Billed}
- Culminates: Latin word for Ridge
Vernacular Names : Hindi: Kala kawwa, Pahari kawwa, Jungli kawwa, Sans: Van kak, Kash: Kav, Diva kav, Pantsol kav, Pahari: Kak, Pun: Paharikan, Rakan, Bi: Kagh, Ben: Dand kak, Jangli kowwa, Dhora kaori, Ass: Dhora kaori, Mani: Kwak, Lepcha: Ulakpho, Cachar: Hagrani dao-kak, Naga: Inrui kak, Kuki: Vo kak, Bhutan: Ulak, Ola, Guj: Girari/Girnari kagdo, Mar: Dom kavla, Ori: Damarakau, Ta: Andan kakai, Karun kakai, Te: Mala kaki, Nalla kaki, Mal: Tonnan kakka, Beli kakka, Kan: Kadu kaage, Karvi kaage, Sinh: Kaka, Kaputa
Distribution in India: Widespread resident throughout the country except the West
Description: Size of 40-41 cm. It has a peaked forehead, plumage entirely black, head, neck and upperparts, including wing and tail, strongly glossed, upper surface of wing and central tail feathers shot with purple; underparts black with strong sheen; bases of neck feathers pale grey, throat feathers with notched hackles; iris dark brown; long bill and legs black.. Sexes similar, female on average smaller than male, with less arched culmen and less strongly graduated tail. Found Forests and woodland of all types across its wide range. In Himalayas ranges to upper limits of tree-line about 4500 m. Found in abundance near Human settlements and domestic cattle
Food Habits: It’s an Omnivores scavenger. Hunts small mammals like rats, squirrel and also crustaceans like crab and invertebrates like centipedes , grasshoppers and locusts , moths and caterpillars , beetles , ants and termites. Also takes variety of fruit, both wild and cultivate and variety of cereals. Also feeds among foliage of a variety of flowering taking both nectar and petals. Usually encountered in pairs or family parties, often feeding with other birds in fruiting trees; larger congregations at good food sources
Breeding Habits: They breed in April-May. Has long-term pair-bond. Solitary breeder. Nest built by both sexes, a platform of twigs and sticks, with deep cup lined with soft materials such as wool and hair, and placed about 7–10 m above ground in prominent tree fork, sometimes in crown of palm. Lays a Clutch of 3–6 eggs ,incubation almost entirely by female for a period of 17–19 days .The chicks fed by both parents and leave the nest at 3 or 4 weeks; family-members roost close to nest for. Nests parasitized by Common Koel.