Mountain Hawk Eagle Nisaetus nipalensis
- Nisaetus : Nisus- king of Megara, was betrayed by hisd aughter Scylla and metamorphosed into a Sparrowhawk ; aetos – Eagle
- Nipalensis : From Nepal
Distribution in India: Resident of Himalayas and North east Indian Hills
Description: Size of 66–84 cm; Weight of male 2300–2700 g, weight of female 2500-3900 g; wingspan of 134–175 cm. It is a large hawk-eagle, brownish above and barred below), with crest of varying length depending on subspecies, short wings, longish tail with dark and light bands of nearly even width, feathered tarsi and powerful feet. The Irides are golden-yellow to orange; cere is blackish-grey; feet are dull yellow to yellowish-white. The juvenile is generally paler than adult and almost entirely whitish below. The irides are bluish-grey to pale yellow; cere is dull greyish.
Habitat: It is found in dense foothill and montane evergreen and mixed deciduous forests. It is found from 600–4000 m elevation.
Food habits: It eats small to medium-sized mammals, especially hares and including even monkeys , birds, lizards and snakes. It hunts from cover inside forest and along forest edge. The prey is captured, usually on ground, after short, rapid stoop from concealed perch.
Breeding Habits: They breed from Feb–Jun in Himalayas. The nest is large built by pair up a large tree. Their display flight consists of pair soaring over territory while calling; also undulating flight. They lay a clutch of one egg. The incubation is done mostly or solely by female for a period ofc. 43–50 days. The nestling period is 70–80 days.