Andaman Crake Rallina canningi
- Rallina : Latinized form of German ralle meaning rail
- Canningi : Named after Gov-Gen. of India Charles John Canning Earl Canning (1812–1862)
Distribution in India: Resident of Andaman Islands .
Description: Size of 34cm. It is the largest of Rallina species. It has a glossy chestnut plumage, extensive bold barring on underparts, unbarred undertail-coverts and relatively bright apple green bill with narrow whitish tip. The barring on wings is confined to primaries, outer secondaries and some median and greater coverts. The tail is noticeably long and fluffy. Both the sexes are alike. The Immature is duller chestnut; areas barred in adult are dark grey with chestnut tinge, narrowly banded and streaked with dirty white.
Habitat: It is found in marshland in forest, large, open areas of marshland and small marsh on edge of secondary forest.
Food habits: It eats worms, molluscs and insects and small fish. The large grasshoppers are shaken and battered before being swallowed.
Breeding habits: They breed in Jun–Aug. The nest is a collection of grass and leaves, placed at foot of large forest tree or under tangled forest undergrowth. The incubation is done by both sexes. The chick are downy with rich chestnut, slightly greyish under wings, with dusky olive bill.