Brown-throated Fulvetta  (Ludlow’s Fulvetta)      Fulvetta ludlowi


  • Fulvetta: Latin word derived from fulvus – tawny, yellowish-brown.
  • Ludlowi: Named after British boatanist Frank Ludlow (1885–1972)

Distribution in India: Resident of Himalayas and Hills of North East India.

Description: Size of 11·5 cm. It is a small neat Fulvetta, plumage in soft browns above, with distinctive streaking on throat and breast. The forehead, crown, ear-coverts and nape are rufescent-tinged milky brown; lores to above and below eye and lateral crownstripe area are darker giving faint suggestions of bands. The mantle and upper back is pink-tinged milky brown, scapulars, rump and uppertail-coverts are rich rufous-chestnut. The uppertail is as the mantle but darker, and with outer fringes coloured rufous-chestnut. The upperwing-coverts are rufous-chestnut, primaries are blackish-brown, offsetting narrow whitish wing panel and pale rufous-chestnut edges of secondaries. The throat, submoustachial region and upper breast are whitish with broad milky-brown streaks, lower breast, upper flanks and upper belly are pinkish-tinged soft grey-brown, lower flanks and vent are rufous-chestnut but paler,. The center of lower belly is paler still and more buff-tinged; iris is brown to reddish-brown; bill is dark horn, flesh to pinkish-brown base of lower mandible; legs are dark horn-brown to fleshy-brown. Both the sexes are similar. The juvenile is paler than adult.

Habitat: It is found in low bushes and bamboo stands in rhododendron forest. It is found from 2450 m –3350 m in summer, some descending to 2150 m in winter.

Food habits: It eats small invertebrates and some vegetable matter. Found in pairs or small parties, often in association with other species, including other babblers, in mixed flocks.

Breeding habits: They breed in May–Sept in Bhutan.