Eurasian Wren Troglodytes troglodytes
- Troglodytes : Greek word for “ Cave dweller” derived from troglodutes –Cave dweller, Wren
- Troglodytes : Greek word for “ Cave dweller” derived from troglodutes –Cave dweller,Wren
Distribution in India: Resident of Himalayas in India.
Description:Size of 9–10 cm; Wt. of 6–12 g. The nominate race has pale buff supercilium, brown lores and ear coverts spotted off-white; crown is dark brown, back is warmer brown, rump is more rufous-brown; shoulders and upperwing coverts are rufous-brown with darker barring; primaries and secondaries are brown, barred darker. The rectrices are warm brown with dark transverse bars; chin and throat are pale buff-brown, centre of throat are whiter; chest and belly are warmer rufous-brown, central belly is uniform buff-white, flanks are darker rufous-brown, blackish barring on lower flanks; eye is brown; bill is brown with pale base; legs are light brown. The sexes are similar. The juvenile has indistinctly mottled breast, more obscure barring on flanks. The races differ mainly in size, general coloration, and extent of barring. The race magrathi has dense barring extending over mantle and breast; race neglectus is darker, with smoky-brown throat, race nipalensis has darker plumage.
Habitat:It is found in moist forest with extensive understorey; deciduous and mixed woodland, well-vegetated suburbs, urban parks and gardens, moorland scrub, and offshore islands with very scant cover. It is found from sea-level to above treeline.
Food Habits: It eats food invertebrates; arthropods, including spiders, beetles, earwigs, orthopterans.. It eats small vertebrates, such as small fish, tadpoles and young frogs. It also eats some vegetable matter, including berries, seeds and seaweed. It usually forages low in vegetation, singly or in pairs. It will also flycatch, and wade in shallow water, immersing head in search of prey.
Breeding Habits: They breed in Mar or early Apr in W Europe, Apr to May on Cyprus, May in European Russia. The nest is domed, with side entrance hole, constructed of grass and fibres. The male builds surplus nests, female selects that to be used and adds lining herself. The nest is located in dense vegetation, in cavity or crevice, in rocky locations in crevice in rock face. They lay a clutch of 3–9 eggs. The incubation is by female alone. The incubation period is 5-17 days. The young are fed by both parents, brooded only by female. The nestling period is 14–19 days. The fledglings are cared for another 9–18 days before becoming totally independent.