Golden-throated Barbet

Golden-throated Barbet Megalaima franklinii
- Megalaima: Greek word megalos- great; laimos- throat. { Great Throat}
- Franklinii: Ornithologist Capt. Sir John Franklin (1786–1847)
Vernacular Names: Cachar: Dao yeala, Nepal: Banbasi, Baghbasi
Distribution in India: Resident of Himalayas and North East of India.
Description: Size of 20·5–23·5 cm; Wt. of 71–101 g (franklinii race). It is a chunky Green Barbet often showing blue or even violet tones, especially in wings, with red on forehead and nape, golden on crown and throat. The male of nominate race has broad black eyestripe, greyish ear-coverts, deeper golden colour on upper throat, paler lower throat. The female is less violet in wings. The immature is duller, greener, bright colours and black is muted.
Habitat: It is found in montane forest, evergreen or moist deciduous, frequently along steep ravines and broken slopes, with mosses and ferns a frequent element. . It is found from 900–2800 m.
Food habits: It eats fruits like figs, various berries, such as whinberries, and guavas. It also eats arthropods occasionally. It feeds in middle storey and canopy, occasionally descending to under storey.
Breeding habits: They breed in Mar–Aug in India, Mar to Sept in Bhutan, Feb–May in Malaysia. During breeding period it does monotonous singing and counter singing, singer points bill upwards as it calls. The nest is excavated by male and female in rotten dead tree or stump, often leaning over stream; short entry tunnel, then cavity goes downwards to nest-chamber. They lay a clutch of 2–5 eggs. Both parents incubate and both also feed young.