Hill Partridge Arborophila torqueola
- Arborophila : Latin word arbor -tree; Greek word philos-loving
- Torqueola : Latin word for necklace derived from torques- collar
Vernacular Names: Hindi: Peura, Ban teetar, H.P.: Roli, Ram chukra, U.P., Nepal: Peura, Ban teetar, Ass: Duboi, Cachar: Daobui, Mishmi: Pao-er, Lepcha: Kohumbut, Naga: Inrui whip, Burmese: Wogam, Gam toung
Distribution in India: Breeds in Himalayas and North East India.
Description: Size of 28–30 cm; wt. of male 325–430 g, female 227–386 g. The head pattern is distinctive. The female differs mainly on crown and throat; lacks male’s head pattern and neckband; breast and flanks are brownish grey, spotted and streaked white. The iris is brown to chestnut-brown, orbital skin is dusky pink to crimson ,brightest in breeding male. The bill is dusky brown to blackish (darkest in male) and legs are olive-brown to blackish. The juvenile male resembles adult, but lacks eyestripe and rufous underparts markings, and has underparts spotted white. Races separated on neck and underpart patterns: race millardi(W Himalayan foothills)male generally has darker chestnut crown, is paler grey below and has rufous belly, while female has paler chestnut throat and rufous wash to underparts. Race interstincta found in North east India
Habitat: It is found in evergreen forest and scrub, heavy hill forest with streams and dense undergrowth, oak forest with mix of laurel and rhododendron, in ravines and on steep slopes. It is found between 1500 m and 3000 m.
Food habits: It eats seeds, shoots, berries, insects and small molluscs; also larvae. It scratches for food amongst leaf litter.
Breeding habits:They breed during Apr–Jul in India. The nest varies from a scrape to a deep cup, lined with grass, in forest undergrowth or bamboo forest. They Lays 3–5 white eggs. The incubation period is 24 days.