Purple-throated Sunbird Leptocoma sperata
- Leptocoma : Greek word leptos –delicate, fine; kome -hair
- Sperata : Latin word for Bride, betrothed
Distribution: Plains of North East India ( Mainly found in Karimganj, South Assam)
Description : Size of 9–10 cm; wt. of 5·2–9 g. The male of nominate race has crown iridescent coppery green or golden-green. The sides of neck, mantle and scapulars are maroon, lower back, rump and uppertail-coverts are metallic green, tail is black glossed blue. The upperwing is black, remiges with orange-red edgings. The lores, side of face to ear-coverts and malar area are blackish; chin and throat are iridescent purple or violet-purple, breast to upper belly is scarlet to orange, belly and undertail-coverts are yellowish olive, yellowish green or yellow. The iris is brown to dark brown; bill and legs are black. The female is mostly olive-green, with wing edging brownish, brighter below, becoming more yellow and whitish from lower breast to vent; all except central rectrices narrowly tipped greyish. The juvenile is similar to female, but greyer below, later becoming browner above and whitish below.
Habitat: It is found in mangroves, primary and secondary forests, second growth, cultivated regions with trees and gardens, primarily in lowlands.
Food habits: It eats flowering coconuts. Usually observed in pairs, but occasionally in small flocks.
Breeding habits: They breed from Jan –Apr. The nest is a small pendulous untidy tangle of dried leaves and stems; it has an entrance on one side in the shape of a teardrop and attached to the branches or Ferns above ground. They lay a clutch of 2 eggs.