Rufous-necked Snowfinch      Pyrgilauda ruficollis


  • Pyrgilauda : Mix of genus Pyrgita – sparrow and genus Alauda -lark
  • Ruficollis: Latin word Rufi –Red ; Collis- Neck,Collar   { Red necked}


Vernacular name: Tibetan: Abye, Rib-che-kar-po

Distribution in India: winter visitor Himalayas from Ladakh to Sikkim in India.

Description: Size of 13–15 cm; weight of 23–28 g. It is a distinctive ground-sparrow with small, pointed bill. The nominate race is mainly rufous-brown, with distinctive head pattern of grey crown, white supercilium, a black line through eye and black moustachial streak, white cheek bordered at rear by reddish band that extends to side of neck. The upperparts are streaked darker brown, lower back to uppertail-coverts are plain brown. The upper­wing is brown, median and greater coverts have broad white tips, flight-feathers are blackish with paler edging, white patch at base of secondaries and inner primaries. The tail is dark brown on central feather pair, outer feathers mostly white with dark tips. Its chin and throat are white, underparts are creamy white, side of breast have gingery wash. The iris is reddish-brown; bill is dark grey, becoming black in breeding season; legs are black. Both the sexes similar, female sometimes browner on head and with less white in wing. The juvenile is plainer and browner than adult.

Habitat: It is found in high barren stony steppes and grassy plateaux, particularly on edges of small watercourses, rubbish tips near human habitations. It is found at 3500–5000 m.

Food habits: It  eats seeds and insects. It forages on ground, and searches dung of domestic animals. It runs extensively; can dig with legs and bill. It is found in pairs and small flocks and in larger flocks outside breeding season.

Breeding habits: They breed in  May–Jun. They breed in solitary pairs or small groups. They are strongly territorial. In display-flight they rise silently, sings in diving descent. The nest is constructed with plant material, lined with hair, placed in rock hole or in burrow of small mammal. They lay a clutch of 4–5 eggs.