White-browed Shrike-babbler

White-browed Shrike-babbler Pteruthius flaviscapis
- Pteruthius :Greek word pteron -wing; eruthaino- to dye red { Red Winged}
- Flaviscapis: Latin word flavus- yellow; scapulae- shoulders {Yellow Shouldered}
They belong to the family of old world Babblers and also known as Pied shrike babbler
Distribution in India: Resident of Himalayas and North East of India
Description: Size of 14 cm; wt. of 29–44 g. It is a medium-sized shrike-babbler with chestnut on
tertials. The male is black-crowned and white below, with bold white rear supercilium and grey
upperparts. The female is grey on head with green fringes on wings and tail. Races vary considerably
in plumage details of both sexes: race ripleyi (North Indian Himalayas) Male has black cap with white
Supercilium, Grey upperparts and whitish underparts. Female has Grey cap, olive mantle and
yellowish-olive wings and tail; race validirostris (NE Indian hill states )male has tertials all dark
chestnut and pinkish-brown tinge on lower flanks, female has distinct grey on crown and white
postocular supercilium;
Habitat: It is found in broadleaf evergreen forest, oak-rhododendron forest, coniferous forest,
montane forest.
Food Habits: They eat Insects, including grasshoppers and locustids, moths and caterpillars and
beetles. Sometimes they also eat berries.
Breeding Habits: The breeding season is April- June. This babbler builds its nest as a loose or neat
dome, with top entrance, made of coarse grasses and dead bamboo. It lays a clutch of 3-5 eggs. The
Chicks are Precocial (with open eyes and down feathers). They are fed insects for faster growth and
water content. The chicks grow faster and leave the nest within 2 weeks.