Buff-throated Warbler Phylloscopus subaffinis
- Phylloscopus: Greek word phullon – leaf; skopos – seeker
- Subaffinis : Latin word sub – slightly, somewhat; affinis – related
Distribution: Size of 10·5–11 cm; Wt. of 6·25–7·5 g. It is a small to medium-sized leaf-warbler lacking any prominent features. It has yellowish-buff supercilium (often diffuse in front of eye), indistinct darker eyestripe, dusky ear-coverts. The crown and upperparts are grey-brown, tinged olive-green or yellowish (in fresh plumage). The browner remiges and rectrices have fine olive fringes. The throat and underparts are buffish or yellowish-buff. The iris is dark brown; upper mandible is dark horn-brown with yellow cutting edges, lower mandible has yellow base and dark tip or distal half; legs are dark brown. Both the sexes are alike. The juvenile has browner upperparts than adult.
Habitat: It breeds in montane forest and below tree-line on open hillsides with scrub. It is found between 1800 m and 3600 m. In non-breeding season found in grassland and bushes in foothills and lowlands.
Food habits: It eats insects.
Breeding habits: They breed in May–Jul. The nest is a small dome with side entrance, placed in low vegetation. They lay a clutch of 4 eggs.