Bugun Liocichla Liocichla bugunorum
- Liocichla : Greek word leios –smooth; kikhle –thrush
- Bugunorum: Named after Bûgûn peoples of Arunachal Pradesh,North-eastern India
Distribution : Resident of Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Description : It has a size of 22 cm. It is greyish-olive liocichla with black crown, yellow lores and broken supercilium, broad yellow wing patch and red drop-like tips on secondaries and tertials, red tips on undertail-coverts and tail. The male has crown glossy black with slightly elongate feathers, shading on upperparts to greyish-olive. The upperwing has greater coverts golden-yellow, golden-yellow on fringes of outer primaries and on basal half of rest of flight-feathers forming broad wingpanel. The distal half of other remiges are black with white tips, edges of secondaries narrowly white and more broadly red, forming “drops” just before feather tip. The graduated tail is blackish above with obsolete barring and “frayed” orange-red tips, outer feathers subterminally washed olive, below blackish centrally and then olive, becoming flame-coloured on outermost pair. The lores and frontal superciliary area are orange-yellow (in bold triangle) and postocular superciliary streak yellow, these separated by black rectangle from eye to crown. The cheek is olive-tinged grey, chin and upper submoustachial area are yellow-olive, ear-coverts, lower submoustachial area and throat are grey. The underparts are yellow-olive, shading to dull olive-grey on lower belly, thighs and vent, and undertail-coverts black with red tips and yellow edges. The iris is dark reddish-brown; bill is blackish at base, shading to pale horn at tip; legs are flesh-coloured. The female is duller yellow-olive on wings, with duller, copper-red colour on undertail, no red in undertail-coverts, and yellow tail tips.
Habitat: It is disturbed hillsides and ravines with dense shrubbery and small to medium-sized trees left after timber extraction. It is found at 2060–2340 m in Eagle Nest Sanctuary , Arunachal Pradesh in India.
Food habits: It eats small berries. It forages on ground, working through low undergrowth, creeping in tangled vines and even clambering on trunks . It is observed in all levels in vegetation, from ground to canopy of tallest trees. It is found in pairs
Breeding habits: They breed in May-June.