Rufous Babbler Turdoides subrufa
- Turdoides: Latin word turdus- thrush; Greek word oides –resembling { Resembling Thrush}
- Subrufa: Latin word for “Pale red”
- Nominate – W peninsular India S to S Karnataka and N Tamil Nadu.
- s. hyperythra– SW India (Kerala and W Tamil Nadu). {more richly coloured}
Distribution in India:
- Nominate – W peninsular India S to S Karnataka and N Tamil Nadu.
- s. hyperythra– SW India (Kerala and W Tamil Nadu)
Description: Size of 24–25 cm; Wt. of 57–78 g. It is a Medium-sized Turdoides babbler, rich brown above and rufous below, with fairly stout black and yellow bill, dark lores and greyish forecrown. .the nominate race has forehead to mid-crown as dull grey with dense fine black lines, shading to rich olive-tinged brown on rest of crown and upperparts, upperwing and tail. The tail has barely visible close barring. The lores are darkish brown-grey, head side otherwise as hindcrown. The entire underside is dull rufous, buffier on mid-line of belly, greyer and darker on flanks and duskier on vent. The iris is creamy white to dark grey; upper mandible is dark horny brown; lower mandible is bright yellow; legs are dusky yellow. Both the sexes are similar. The juvenile is deeper, richer brown above than adult. Race hyperythra is more richly coloured than nominate.
Dense scrub undergrowth in more open broadleaf evergreen and moist deciduous forest, forest edge, overgrown clearings, dense scrub and tall grass, bamboo brakes, mixed woodland and grass, abandoned coffee plantations; at 825–1220 m.
Food habits: It eatsInsects, also berries (particularly of Lantana), and nectar of Erythrina, Salmalia and other flowers. Found in parties of 6–8 individuals. Forages on ground, but ventures up into trees. Very skulking, usually creeping about out of sight in low vegetation.
Breeding habits: They breed in Feb–Nov, mainly Feb–May. Nest a large rough strong deep cup made of leaves, grasses, creepers and herb stems, lined with fine grasses and rootlets, placed in bush or small tree. Clutch usually 4 eggs.