Snowy-throated Babbler    Stachyris oglei


  • Stachyris : Greek word stakhus –ear of wheat; rhis -nostrils;opsis- Appearance { reference to the shape of the opercula or scales almost closing the nostrils}
  • Oglei: Ornithologist G. Ogle (1842–1892) British surveyor in India

 Vernacular Name: Naga: Chum-pitti

 Distribution in India: Resident of hills of Arunachal Pradesh in India. ( Namdapha)

Description: Size of 15 cm; Weight of 28–36 g. It is a chunky, heavy-billed Stachyris babbler with white face and black mask. The crown and nape are rich rufous-brown, becoming duller on upperparts. The upperwing and tail are dull rufous-brown with narrow dark barring. It has a bold black lateral crownstripe from forehead to nape. It has a white supercilium from lores to nape and breaking into black-and-white streaks that extend behind ear-coverts. It has a broad black line from bill base through eye to ear-coverts. It has a white chin. The submoustachial area, cheek and throat are white. It has a grey breast and mid-belly, shading to ochrous-rufous flanks, thighs and vent. The iris is crimson to brown; bill is dark horn, paler below & legs are brown. Both the sexes are similar.

Habitat: It is found in understorey and undergrowth of moist dense broadleaf evergreen forest, and adjacent secondary forest, bamboo, scrub in ravines, evergreen forest with boulder-strewn bamboo undergrowth. It is fount at 300–800 m.

Food habits: It eats Insects. It forages in extremely fast-moving.

Breeding habits:  They breed in Apr–Jul. The nest is a large domed or globular structure with entrance near bottom, made of bamboo leaves, roots, twigs, dead leaves and moss, placed on ground under bush in wooded ravine. They clutch of 3–4 eggs.