Tickell’s Leaf Warbler

Tickell’s Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus affinis
- Phylloscopus : Greek word phullon – leaf; skopos–seeker
- Affinis : Latin word for “ Related”
Vernacular Names: Kash: Viritiriv, Ass: Foochi, Cachar: Daotisha, Tibetan: Ani chin, gabi, Mar: TickelchaParnavatvatya
Distribution in India: Breedsin Himalayas and widespread winter visitor in India.
Description: Size of 10-11cm, wt. of 5·5–7·75 g.It is a small to medium-sized leaf-warbler with yellowish supercilium and underparts. The long supercilium is pale yellow, becoming whiter over ear-coverts, sometimes a slightly darker line above supercilium; dark eyestripe, contrasting yellowish cheek and ear-coverts; crown and entire upperparts uniform grey-brown, tinged olive-green or yellowish; remiges and rectrices brown, most feathers with fine olive fringes, outermost three tail feathers with narrow white tip and inner edge; below, mostly pale yellow or lemon-yellow on throat to belly, becoming paler or whiter on vent and undertail-coverts, sometimes buffish tinge on breast side and along flanks; iris dark brown; upper mandible brown, lower mandible yellowish legs variably dark brown to yellowish-brown.Both the sexes are alike. The juvenile is as adult, but upperparts are warmer brown, and underparts are variable in yellow tones, some dingy greyish-yellow.
Habitat: It is found during breeding among rocks and low bushes in dry barren mountains, alpine and subalpine willows, dwarf juniper, dwarf bamboo and scrub, also rhododendrons, edges of forest and cultivation; between 3050 m and 4880 m along and above tree-line. Found in non-breeding season below 2100 m in low bushes and trees, usually at forest edge, including secondary forest, acacia trees and willows and clearings, also among cultivation.
Food Habits: It eats small insects, especially small beetles, including weevils and larvae. It is foundusually alone or in pairs, in winter also in loose mixed-species flocks. It forages low down among vegetation and on ground; active and acrobatic when feeding, often clinging upside-down to leaves; also makes short dashing flights in pursuit of insects.
Breeding Habits: They breed in May-Aug in India.The nest is built by both sexes. The nest is a ball of dry grasses, plant fibers and feathers, placed low down in bush. They lay a clutch of 3-5eggs. The incubation is done by both parents for a period of2 weeks. The fledging period is 2 weeks. The young fed by both parents.